...In a world where so many training providers are focused on standardisation and volume rather than quality, the main thing that impressed me was the thoroughness of Holt's approach and the length to which they went to understand Walter Lilly as a business and our specific training needs.
 Director, Walter Lilly & Company Ltd. 
Telephone Icon08456 441144
who we are
... experienced

Solutions developed with, and bringing
best practice from, our work with some
of the leading organisations in the world.

Our clients include leaders in: oil, pharmaceuticals, medical, food & drink, telecommunications, news & media, accountancy and support services, banking and insurance, retail and leisure, information technology, engineering and construction, government, universities and colleges (A full list is available and we will happily provide names of referees). We deliver only bespoke solutions that focus on where clients want to take their organisation and how they need to develop their people to make this possible.

Our projects include:

  • Distance learning projects including the use of: e-learning, train the trainer, social networking apps and virtual learning environments
  • Organisation development programmes which focus on change in working practices and the way the business delivers to its stakeholders
  • Team development programmes which focus on motivation, influence, team dynamics, impact of behaviour and high performing teams
  • Management programmes looking more at core management skills including; delegation skills, motivation, time management, coaching, negotiation, conflict management, performance management, roles and responsibilities and transition into management
  • Leadership - first line managers, middle managers, senior managers and board level. Our programmes evaluate the qualities of a good leader, focusing on core leadership models and theories through to transformational behaviours and strategic leaders at a higher level
  • We have accredited consultants for a number of personal profiling tools e.g. Belbin, MBTI (Step 1 and Step 2), Insights, SHL, SDI, DISC, OPQ and others. We can also provide 1:1 coaching and assessment/development centres.