...We have worked with Holt on a major piece of work for a Senior Executive team of ninety people in the BBC. The work resulted in a significant shift in understanding of what makes good leaders and the behaviour associated with this.
 BBC Trust 
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what we do
... organisational development

Organisational development can empower
a business to prepare for the future by enabling
stakeholders to understand, buy in to and deliver
the companies objectives...

To continuously deliver high performance and competitive advantage, businesses need to constantly identify ways that they can change their structure and working practices. Too frequently, this vision gets created by a consultancy or small team and then its implementation dictated without buy-in or opportunities to enhance the vision by the organisation at large. This results in changes to procedures and structures, but failure to achieve a long term change in ways of working, culture and effectiveness. Organisational development (OD) can help create a systematic approach to improving your organisational effectiveness - one that aligns strategy, people and processes.

Organisational development can empower a business to prepare for the future by enabling stakeholders to understand, buy in to and deliver the companies objectives. Organisational development involves not just top line strategy, policies, structures and systems but equally importantly developing appropriate skills, behaviours, attitudes, culture and a style of leadership that will empower the business to deliver maximum performance improvements. By addressing both sides, we can help avoid conflict between organisational goals and needs.

The key distinctive feature of an organisational development perspective is taking a holistic focus; paying attention to how what is done in one part of the organisation impacts on another. As more and more practitioners and clients are paying attention to the value that OD can add to their organisations, we are working with them to build their capacity and confidence in taking an OD perspective and developing OD expertise.

We can help in a number of ways:

  • Facilitation - supporting your stakeholders to develop Organisational Development strategies, challenging and supporting them as they consider the implications of a strategy with an Organisational Development perspective.
  • Cascading - if a strategy is centrally developed, we can help engage stakeholders in a positive way and help them identify how they can take ownership of and deliver the change on a local basis.
  • Consultancy: helping companies through change programmes - for example cultural change, changing working styles, identifying efficiencies or delivering specific projects which require engaging approaches to change.