...I was absorbed by their enthusiasm , commitment and willingness to reach out objectives.
 Station Manager, London Fire Brigade 
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what we do
... change management

The only challenge and opportunity
we all truly need to embrace is change.

Whether it is customer tastes, law, competition or people that are the catalyst of this change, organisations need to be ready to respond quickly, to innovate and to be flexible enough to capitalise on these changes - and this is only possible through the quality and attitude of their people.

Anticipating and feeding upon change :
Businesses, just like the world, are complex, unpredictable and constantly changing. The executive of those businesses have much less power to control and shape the behaviour of people in their organisations than we may think. The influence of even the most charismatic and energetic leaders can be quickly diluted in the overwhelming amount of communication that is necessary on a day-to-day basis. The catalyst for effective change is the quality of communication taking place between all the internal and external stakeholders and how this leads to positive or negative reinforcement of a process of positive change. Any organisational change is the sum of the change enacted by its individuals. Structures, tools, policies and processes all have an important part to play, but, can only support this fundamental process.

A modern approach :
That does not mean that you should focus on an expensive organisational change management programme teaching you a whole l oad of change theory models, boring you through continuous presentations on best practice or taking out your Executive Team for a month to agree how change will happen, then attempting to cascade this through the business.

Harnessing knowledge, energy and activity :
This doesn't mean that senior managers don't need to have a vision, a strategy or change plan. It simply means focusing on skills that harness the knowledge, energy and activity that are already there. This is much more effective than trying to wrestle the organisation into submission.

The Holt can help you to :
Be a part of the change process, doing change with, rather than to, others Work with, rather than against, resistance and negative emotions Lead continuity, where it is needed, as well as lead change Embed skills and relationships that will amplify the existing capacity for change Accelerate the power of vision and values by developing them in an interactive and inclusive way Provide managers with practical tools to engage others and model the leadership required Rapidly engage stakeholders and promote understanding and acceptance of the drivers for change Help everyone to identify the process and areas which can be made even stronger.

your business will benefit from :

  • An engaged workforce, motivated to work out how to turn the organisation's intentions into reality
  • An embedded drive to change throughout the organisation
  • Successful organisational change without that uninspiring, expensive, lengthy 'change initiative'
  • A free-flow of information going to the right people, to be acted upon.
  • Return on investment based on a clear set of outcomes
  • Success that can be measured

It is a solution which works resulting in real change within the workplace and proven return on investment.