Fresh, capable talent is the lifeblood of your business - it is therefore essential to attract and retain the best talent
available through effective recruitment, development and motivation of the best graduates. Too often, the unrealistic
expectations engendered in education, combined with the hard sell of the recruitment process leads to graduates being
disenchanted from an early stage. We can help your graduates find the commitment and focus that matures into
engagement and loyalty. At the same time, we help them to develop emotionally and instil the interpersonal skills needed
to cope with corporate life.
Approach :
Our approach combines intensive learning and development with on-going support.
A series of intensive development sessions cover: soft skills, business simulation, social projects, practical
application and experiential learning with theory and psychometrics. This is supported with on-going: mentoring,
coaching, business projects and distance learning. These elements are brought together as a seamless process,
focused on the future needs of your business, benefiting both your organisation and the individual.
Your solution will be built specifically around your business calling upon proven modules and methodology.
We can supply anything from a one off induction day to an assessment or development centre to an all-encompassing
graduate development programme.
The Holt can help you :
Enhance your selection process through assessment centres
Support them in their early months through focused support i.e. accommodation search
Get them on-track from the start with induction programmes
Challenge them to take personal responsibility and challenge themselves
Instil an awareness and understanding of your company's values
Provide on-going assessment and talent development through these early stages
your business will benefit from :
- Graduates who are committed, loyal and easier to retain
- Employees who are engaged emotionally and intellectually
- Staff who take responsibility for their own development, motivation and management
- A quick transition from education to the real world
- Attracting better quality candidates
- Increased retention saving on recruitment and training
- Return on investment based on a clear set of outcomes
- Success that can be measured